OffPod E01 Song 2 - Honesty (2)

Posted on Friday, Apr 16, 2021
Another song about honesty inspried from Reddit’s /r/songaweek. We actually played this one first in the episode, but the order isn’t that important. The point is, Mike made two songs, neither were good. They were both put together in a short amount of time. This is led to the creation of this very podcast.

Show Notes

This is like our origin story. You’re welcome.

Written and recorded in 23 minutes, and ultimately was the reason we thought we might be able to do this on a podcast. Also, sometimes you might just wish you were going somewhere.

Did you know we’re on Myspace? That’s ok, we understand.




Mike has been called the man with the golden pipes, a jerk, and hey you. He’s the primary person responsible for making the music, so you can blame most of what you hate about this podcast on him.