Episode S01e16 - Season 01 Recap

Posted on Tuesday, Jul 28, 2020
We go through our 15 songs of the season and see which is the worst. It’s so bad.

Show Notes

The hosts all did some homework and ranked our songs for this seasons from least-worst to most worst. There was some arguing, some banter, some humor, and some embarrassment. In the end, we made a lot of bad music this season, but was any of it truly the worst song you’ve ever heard? Let us know @worstsongpod on twitter.

We cover specialty facial hair. Note Jason has done at least one of these before.

* [Batstache](https://i.redd.it/cxgl455by8q41.jpg)
* [Monkey Tail](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/ac/4c/c3/ac4cc3c63853bdae81c144b8c262a395.jpg)

We created a MySpace Page. That might have been earlier, but I’ll remind y’all here.




Jason has called Mike the man with the golden pipes, a jerk, and hey you. He once tasted the color the purple, and will never be the same. He also really enjoys laughing with his friends.



Mike has been called the man with the golden pipes, a jerk, and hey you. He’s the primary person responsible for making the music, so you can blame most of what you hate about this podcast on him.



Jeremy is a tenor and likes long walks on the beach, short walks on the beach and watching sunsets on the beach. He isn’t always present, but his presence can always be felt. Once, he met a dog named Andy. He is a lawyer by trade and a lover by reputation.