Episode S01e11 - Nonproduct Placement

Posted on Tuesday, Jun 23, 2020
We get inspired to get a non product placement, what that means? We’re not exactly sure, but we’re pretty sure we need an infomercial to tell you more.

Show Notes

This week’s episode is sponsored by Ron Popeil and the Pocket Fisherman. And by sponsored, we mean – we talk about it and are greatly inspired by it. By sponsored, we also mean that Ronco wants absolutely nothing to do with us and have refused to respond to crying phone calls at 3am – listening to Matchbox 20 at full volume.

We follow The Beatles and M&Ms this week, because Mike didn’t want to follow Eminem.

Our Inspirations for the week (that likely had no effect on the song we created, but were talked about in the preamble.




Jason has called Mike the man with the golden pipes, a jerk, and hey you. He once tasted the color the purple, and will never be the same. He also really enjoys laughing with his friends.



Mike has been called the man with the golden pipes, a jerk, and hey you. He’s the primary person responsible for making the music, so you can blame most of what you hate about this podcast on him.